Messy Spirituality

One of my favorite books is called Messy Spirituality. Here's what the author, Michael Yaconelli, wrote:

"I often dream that I am tagging along begind Jesus, longing for him to choose me as one of his disciples. Without warning, he turns around, looks straight into my eyes, and says, 'Follow me!' My heart races, and I begin to run toward him when he interrupts with, 'Oh, not you; the guy behind you. Sorry.'
"I have been trying to follow Christ most of my life, and the best I can do is a stumbling, bumbling, clumsy kind of following. I wake up most days with the humiliating awareness that I have no clue where Jesus is. Even though I am a minister, even though I think about Jesus every day, my following is ... uh ... meandering."

Wow! How often I feel like that. I am a pastor--entrusted with telling people about Jesus and offering spiritual advice and direction. But sometimes ... okay, often! ... I feel more like the spiritual equivalent of Charlie Brown than a spiritual guide and mentor. More of a spiritual clutz than a hero of the faith.

BUT ... from everything I know about Jesus ... He chooses messed up people ALL THE TIME! It seems to be a prerequisite for following him. You have to be a wreck. No perfect people allowed. You get the occasional saintly person, like Mother Theresa. But everyone else is a clutz. So ... I'm in good company. And so are you!

I think Jesus set it up that way so that we would trust HIM and not ourselves. In fact, I believe that's the whole point. Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 sometime. He's chosen us in spite of our foolishness. He's chosen us in spite of our weakness. He gives us heaven as a free gift ... and then says: "Follow me!" Not just the guy behind you, but YOU!

Are you utterly amazed by that?! I am. And that's why I follow him ... mostly because I know I don't deserve to ... and he's called me anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I followed the link from facebook. Nice post, especially the thoughts about being spiritual clutzes. Our small group study is finishing looking at John and we keep noting that Peter is an enthusiastic spiritual clutz - someone who has been there, done that, failed, got up again and had the faith to keep on going. I like to think it made him effective as an witness.

    I like your layout - it was the one I had for my blog until I changed it (slightly) just yesterday ( When I followed your link over I thought I went to my own blog!

    Dale Darlage
