You Are What You Wear

Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ …  Romans 13:14

From Guest Blogger Dan Thews:

Having daughters in my house, I often hear, “Dad, you’re not really going to wear that are you???” My answer is always the same, “Yeah, why not?” (I mean, where does it say that your sock color should match your belt? Or that black and blue do not go well together? Or that my gym shorts must come down to my knees?) What I’ve learned is that to be comfortable is much more important to me than being fashionable. I don’t care if what I wear is ugly or embarrassing — I like it!

Did you know that the Bible calls us to an undressing-dressing routine? St. Paul says in Ephesians 4, “Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires and be made new in the attitude of your minds; and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” We are called to “put off” our old comfortable ways of living — put off living to self, put off letting our own inner whims, desires, and appetites control us. Instead we are called to “put on” Christ’s way of life — to speak, think and act as He did, or as we hear in Romans 13, “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The problem is, this creates a conflict. The “old clothes,” the old comfortable way of life, does not want to be taken off! We prefer them. We feel more at home in them. Luther points out that the “old nature” within us needs to be dealt with severely. Each day it must be drowned in the waters of baptism. The old self must die each day so that Christ may live in us anew each day.

Do you feel that struggle? The tug of the comfortable, easy way verses denial and self-sacrifice? I hope so! The struggle within us need not cause us doubt or distress. Its presence is a source of assurance. It indicates that we are taking Christ seriously. Our faith is alive! The Spirit of Christ in us is fighting against our sinful, selfish nature.

So I’m thankful for my daughters, who make me take off my nasty clothes and put on something more appropriate. I’m even more thankful for my Lord who, through baptism, takes up residence in me and clothes me in His righteousness.

Prayer: Lord, thank you clothing me in Christ! Help me put away the desires of my flesh and become more fully devoted to living Your way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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